Art Fix: The Eastside Culture Crawl
Vancouver is an artistic city and the local talent was out to impress last weekend! The Eastside Culture Crawl is one of the biggest showcases of art in the city– over 500 artists open their studio spaces for 4 days. The participating artists are incredibly diverse: emerging artists rub shoulders with those who are internationally established and artists include painters, jewellers, sculptors, furniture makers, potters, printmakers, photographers, glassblowers, and textile artists. Whew! It’s a lot… but we were up to the challenge.

Maybe a little bit art school? We loved the stairwells at 1000 Parker and the artists’ promotion that gave a wallpaper-cum-poster effect, how fun!

Who’s that in the corner? Looks like David Robinson…
We stopped by a couple venues to check out what is on display…. and took note of some standout work! We are never disappointed with the creativity of this city and the skill of the artists is always impressive. Here are some artists we will be keeping our eyes on:
Carla Tak (Painting)
This is not the first time we’ve seen Tak’s work; it is gestural, plays with soft shapes and hard edges, and emphasizes colour, pattens and textures… Something to excite the eyes! See more here.
Kari Kristensen (Printmaking)
Her series of landscapes caught our eye– geometric, bold, with a very westcoast vibe. See more here.
Dahlhaus by Heather Braun Dahl (Ceramics)
Her mugs, trays, and planters all feature wonderfully simple but effective design… her vases are like art pieces themselves! See more here.
Pilar Mehlis (Art)
Covering sculpture, painting, and drawing, we were attracted to Pilar’s whimsical, well-drafted, and colourful creations. See more here.
Haejin Lee (Ceramics)
The tableware is well-proportioned, well-coloured, and both a little bit rustic and refined– easy to coordinate with a number of kitchen styles and add to your collection of morning-time mugs. See more here.
Ben Burnett – Zillion Design (Woodworking)
These are unique pieces that strive for the smallest-possible environmental footprint– if that’s not enough, they are also thoughtfully designed with beautiful materials and a great mid-century modern energy. See more here.
Ann Maliatski – Golem Designs (Pottery)
What caught our eye about these pieces was the incredible balance inherent in their design. Balance between natural forms and design, balance of form, and balance in a physical sense. See more here.
Ann Maliatski: Particle Bowl
Cybele Ironside (Painting)
Atmospheric, abstract, and beautiful. These works speak to us as the modern, abstract answer to west coast modern. See more here.
Wood Shop Workers Cooperative (Woodworking)
Behind these pieces is a big statement: ethically sourced materials, sustainable packaging, livable wages, and involvement in local organziations… In this day and age shouldn’t everyone be this invested in their products and materials? To boot, their pieces are simple, functional, and well-designed. Looks good, does good indeed, see more here.
With over 500 artists, we couldn’t get to everyone– but we loved exploring the newest works from these artists and makers… Can’t wait until next year to get an art fix? Don’t be afraid to get in touch with your favourite artists to see when they have their next open studio or exhibition! The Crawl also has a few events leading up to the main affair in November, so check their website for more!
-Designers Collective