Happy Kitchen Project: The Beloved Apron
Day 16: Happy Kitchen Project: The Beloved Apron
So? How have you been enjoying our #happykitchenproject collaboration with @chewsylovers? We’re having so much fun coming up with ideas and DIYs on how to make your kitchen the best and happiest room in your house! Sure hope you’re having fun! Gotta say I was loving Mandi’s ideas in her last post on easy breakfast potatoes. I can’t wait to read what she comes up with next.
For our post today we’re going to go back in history a bit. Where did the apron come from? Let’s have a look and see if we can find some neat tips about aprons.
Actually, it’s pretty hard to come up with concrete info on the history of aprons. You kind of have to look at old paintings to see what they used to be like back in days gone by. Like in this image here:
The aprons in this image are basically just squares of fabrics to cover a woman’s and men’s clothing while they went about doing their daily chores. It wasn’t until the last two centuries that they became primarily worn by women. Fabric was expensive way back when and they used every scrap as they had to loom it themselves. They certainly needed to protect their clothes as they didn’t have the extensive wardrobes we have today.
Aprons were very basic until the 1500’s when they did become more decorative. It was a status symbol to have a decorated apron with embroidery or lace instead of just the basic linen. Most pilgrims or working class women wore basic white aprons with ties but as income went up so did the apron embellishment- as fashion became more embellished so did the common apron.
Up until the 1700’s the apron was mostly a half apron. Full aprons or “pinnies” became fashionable in the 1700’s. They were called pinnies because the bib was pinned in place. Over time the bib evolved to have a neck tie to go over the head to keep it in place. More favoured and decorated aprons were passed down to the daughters of the household.
I love this picture. It definitely reminds me of my own grandmother at her kitchen sink.
Utilitarian aprons were popular for ages but as time went of the “hostess” apron was introduced- about 1950. This was a much more delicate apron that the woman of the house would wear when entertaining to protect her clothes while still looking stylish.
I think I might even keep my eye open for a vintage apron….hmmmm…. apron….hmmmm….
Kinfolk style has become very popular now. There is a resurgence of domesticity happening. We are loving the family home and hearty recipes and bringing together our lives at the end of the day with a good meal. I think with theist her is also a resurgence of aprons. They are an extension of domesticity. I know for myself I haven’t worn an aprons in the past but I’m kind of now seeing I’d like to add a few to my kitchen. I like the idea of throwing on a well-loved apron to cook my favourite recipes.
Another wonderful way to make your happy kitchen and to encourage kids to be part of the food preparation and clean up is to ensure that each of them have their own aprons!
Painting aprons with your kids would make a great DIY project. An easy project would be to use handprints like this cute apron we found on pinterest.
What do you think? Do you have any favourite aprons that are part of your cooking routine? Or do you think this is something you may add to your kitchen.
Keep the dialogue going. Give us your thoughts in the comments!!
Share with us on instagram with hashtag #happykitchenproject and tag us @designerscollective_ and @chewsylovers
We would love to share a few happy kitchens on our blogs during our 30 day challenge!
Saturday we are back with Mandi from Chewsy Lovers who will be posting from Fort Lauderdale, Florida. We will post the link for her blog in the morning for all of you to read about her tips for a HAPPY KITCHEN!!