From the Archives: Chickpea and Chicken Curry
The following recipe is one of our all-time favourites!! (You know...
From the Archives: Prepping the Deck
Summer is here! ...
From the Archives: Design Concept Board (aka: The Fun Stuff!)
Often, it is difficult to determine how to start a big design project. After years of experience and many, many, many projects-- we always come back to one of the best, and in our opinion the most fun, strategy: a concept board. Whether you're thinking about working with us for eDesign, starting a small interior design project on your own, or just curious about your design style-- creating a concept board is a no-commitment experiment that always ALWAYS helps us...
From the Archives: DIY Ombré Tea Towels
We have been looking back at our archives recently and decided to revisit our Happy Kitchen Project from 2015! For that project we collaborated with a blogger from Fort Lauderdale, FL to develop a 30-day challenge that transforms your kitchen into a place that exudes happiness with DIYs, tips, tricks, and recipes! Below we re-posted our DIY for Ombré Tea Towels. It's a great way to add some colour and fun into the kitchen and a great project to do...
Easter Décor and Menu
It’s March. In fact, today is the first day of spring! It seems every time I blink these days another season or another holiday is upon us...
DIY: Holiday Wreath
Happy December! We've already seen the Christmas lights go up, mall Santas are arriving from the North Pole, and the holiday parties have begun! Whatever you celebrate this time of year, there is a consistent feeling of togetherness and cheer that really makes this, as the songs say, the most wonderful time of the year.One of our favourite ways of decorating for the holidays is with a wreath. What could be more west coast that bringing a little bit of the...
DIY: Painted Pumpkin
Pumpkins, witches, ghosts, oh my! Hallowe'en is creeping closer ...
The Busy Guide to Pumpkin Fun
Halloween weekend is just around the corner!If your schedule looks anything like ours, there seems to be few (if any!) free slots that you can dedicate to the sometimes labour-intensive process of carving pumpkins...
IDS Vancouver: A Well of Inspiration
Hello again!This year, September was absolutely full of design events and projects! Conveniently, this means we are immersed in inspiration before the holiday season takes off and we have lots of opportunities to include our favourite design elements in dining tables, new interiors, seasonal decoration, parties, the list goes on! Sometimes the hardest part is refining what you love and translating it from a showroom, magazine page (or blog!) to your own space.A standout on our calendars was the Interior...